Friday, June 29, 2007

In case you missed it, I am trying to get the theme from Inspector Gadget stuck in your head, like it has been in mine since I typed the title of this post. Our home inspection was yesterday afternoon, and let me tell you, kicking it off with water in the fuse box is enough to give a first-time home buyer an eye twitch. Um, water & electricity shouldn't mix, right? Luckily, there wasn't too much else wrong with it, which is pretty sweet since the place is 57 years old. Our inspector, Kevin, was feakin' awesome - sending the report to us the same night and answering his own questions in a very Matt & Amy kind of way. Hilarious. Love that guy and looks like we're getting a pretty solid house. Nice!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

We got it!!!!!!

After a few rounds of negotiating and a few more nights of no sleep (on my part - Johnson can always sleep like a champ - jerk), Linda called Wednesday morning to tell us that we got the house - sewer hookup, stainless steel fridge and all. OH MY GOD - WE'RE ADULTS!!!!!

Monday, June 18, 2007

Making an offer...

After seeing a few more houses (one horrible, one adorable but needs lots and lots of work) and losing several nights of sleep thinking "what happens if we lose the house to someone else - we'll never find another one we like that much again...blah...blah...blah," we visited 133 again on Sunday and decided to put in an offer. Another couple had the same bright idea. I smell a bidding war...

Friday, June 8, 2007

June 8 & 9

After touring 9 houses (7 of which need TONS of work; TIP - never trust the photos you see online) in two days, we could actually "see" ourselves living in two of them. One is on the Warwick/West Warwick line (not ideal) and is only 5 years old and the other is rather close to the airport (again not ideal) but felt like home the minute we walked in. Since the second one just went on the market and is priced pretty high for the 'hood we decide to wait it out and check out a few more houses the following weekend.